Budapesti Műszaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem - BME -- Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék - TMIT Dept. of Telecommunications and Media Informatics - TMIT
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Student topics

Ez egy előző félévben kiírt, archivált téma.

UTI2SPEECH:Silent Speech Interface (Mély neurális háló alapú artikuláció-beszéd becslés (UTI2SPEECH:Silent Speech Interface (Deep neural nets for articulatory-acoustic mapping))

Ipari partner: MTA-ELTE Lendület Lingual Articulation Research Group

Speech sounds are produced as the coordinated movement of the articulatory organs (vocal folds, tongue, lips, etc.). In the international research, the machine learning based articulatory-to-acoustic mapping is also referred as 'Silent Speech Interface' (SSI, The main idea of SSI is that by recording the speechless movement of the speaking organs, the algorithms can synthesize speech while the original speaker is not producing any speech sound. The task of the student is to develop deep learning (e.g. deep neural network, AutoEncoder) solutions for the Silent Speech Interface topic. Suggested programming languages: Python / Octave. The research will be conducted in collaboration with the MTA-ELTE Lingual Articulation Research Group (Momemtum grant,

Speech sounds are produced as the coordinated movement of the articulatory organs (vocal folds, tongue, lips, etc.). In the international research, the machine learning based articulatory-to-acoustic mapping is also referred as 'Silent Speech Interface' (SSI, The main idea of SSI is that by recording the speechless movement of the speaking organs, the algorithms can synthesize speech while the original speaker is not producing any speech sound. The task of the student is to develop deep learning (e.g. deep neural network, AutoEncoder) solutions for the Silent Speech Interface topic. Suggested programming languages: Python / Octave. The research will be conducted in collaboration with the MTA-ELTE Lingual Articulation Research Group (Momemtum grant,

Kulcsszavak: python, speech, deep learning
Témavezető: Csapó Tamás Gábor
Oktatók: Csapó Tamás Gábor.
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